Decalcification, Frigo Patient


At Frigo Orthodontics, we provide our patients with thorough guidance to maintain excellent oral hygiene practices. In addition to your orthodontic care, we will require you to see your dentist regularly for cleanings. If you stay committed to oral hygiene throughout your treatment, the result should be a radiant smile. However, there is always the chance that certain dental conditions may occur when aligning your teeth. One common condition is decalcification. 

What is Decalcification?

Enamel, made from various minerals, is the most protective layer of your teeth. To maintain its strength, it needs vital elements like calcium and phosphorus. If you don’t take proper care of your teeth, bacteria in the mouth can turn to acid and dissolve the enamel on your teeth. The white spots that appear result from decalcification, weakening your teeth. 

What Causes the Decalcification of Teeth?

Decalcification occurs when bacteria persist on the tooth surface, eating at its protective enamel and resulting in white spots on the teeth. Neglecting proper oral hygiene and trapping bacteria, such as food particles, between aligners and teeth are common causes of decalcification. Individuals who wear braces are particularly susceptible to this condition if they don’t floss and brush properly.

After Braces

While some patients are concerned about getting white spots on their teeth after braces, the good news is that they’re not inevitable. The marks caused by decalcification are both preventable and treatable. At Frigo Orthodontics, we want you to have the best smile possible– now and always. We’ll guide you through every step of your journey, including how to care for your teeth. With the right approach to oral hygiene, you should easily be able to avoid decalcification after braces. 

Fluorosis vs. Decalcification: What’s the Difference?

While both conditions appear as white spots on teeth, fluorosis and decalcification are different. Too much exposure to fluoride while the teeth are developing causes fluorosis. This results in the appearance of mottled white spots. Decalcification, on the other hand, is primarily caused by bacterial activity on the tooth’s surface. It leads to white spots without the mottling or blotchiness of fluorosis. If you’re unsure if you have one of these conditions, we are happy to help provide an accurate diagnosis. 

Prevention and Treatment

At Frigo Orthodontics, we are committed to helping you maintain the health of your teeth throughout your orthodontic journey. We emphasize regular flossing and brushing within 30 minutes of consuming food or sugary beverages. We also require routine dental cleanings throughout your orthodontic treatment to minimize the risk of decalcification and other complications. By following our recommendations, you can significantly reduce the chances of developing white spots while wearing braces or aligners. 

If left untreated, decalcification may lead to further dental issues, such as cavities and tooth decay. Luckily, there are treatment options for this condition. If your case is minor, we’ll recommend calcium-rich topical creams or fluoride toothpaste. Not only should these remove the white spots, but they’ll also help restore your enamel’s minerals and strength. If you have developed severe decalcification after braces, we can refer you to a local dentist offering specialized treatments. 

At Frigo Orthodontics, we are dedicated to helping you maintain a bright, healthy smile for years to come. If you have experienced decalcification, please get in touch with us for a consultation. We are more than happy to offer a diagnosis and treatment plan.