Case Study: Wade
This gentleman came to my office asking to permanently correct the gap between his upper incisors. In the past he would always have some plastic bonding agent placed between the two front teeth, but it would always stain and didn’t look natural. I proposed a plan to remove the existing bond and move the upper incisor roots close to each other followed by a permanent retainer to prevent relapse. The existing bond present between his teeth was not only stained, but it made the teeth too wide and unproportional.
After I removed his bonding, his treatment was carried out using braces to control the roots and lasted only fourteen months. Had we attempted correction using Invisalign we would not have been able to control the root angulation of the incisors, and it would have taken twice as long to treat. He was extremely happy with his new smile, and I think you would agree that it looks much better without the bonding on his teeth.

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