Case Study: Madison
This young lady was referred to my practice by a cosmetic dentistry specialist in Jackson, MS to undergo pre-cosmetic orthodontic treatment to elevate the patient’s upper gum line and teeth while also making the gum heights more symmetrical. She had extensive wear of her teeth secondary to enamel erosion. As the edges of the teeth erode, the contacts between the teeth also suffer from this same erosion and the teeth will subsequently erupt passively bringing the gums down with them as they erupt.
We had to create an ‘open bite’ between the front teeth so that the dentist could then replace the missing enamel with a temporary cosmetic substance such as dental resin until we achieved ideal proportions and a gingival architecture that was symmetrical. When our orthodontic treatment was complete, she was referred back to the cosmetic dentist to place the permanent restorations made from porcelain. Total treatment time was around twelve months to complete and the patient was extremely happy with the resulting smile.
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