Case Study: Jenna
This young lady came to my practice for a second opinion after a previous orthodontist told her that she would need to have two upper bicuspids removed prior to starting any orthodontic treatment. They claimed there was no room for the upper ‘I-teeth’ or canines to erupt into the mouth as they were completely blocked-out of the upper dental arch.
I knew that if we removed the upper bicuspids, it would have the effect of making her nose look larger as the teeth and upper lip were to be retracted to close the spaces created by removal of teeth.
I elected to create space for the blocked-out canines by proclining the upper incisors and slightly widening the dental arches to alleviate the crowding instead of removing teeth. This plan would maintain the patient’s lip support and balanced facial proportions.
She was ecstatic to learn that she did not have to have teeth extracted and was even happier to learn that we would be finished in less than two years! Her result was beautiful, and her gingival health was not compromised in the process of gaining space for the blocked-out canines.

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